Esports spelling

How to spell esports and does it matter?

Super simple on how to spell this. Lots of contention if it matters or not amongst the grizzled industry veterans. I don’t really care much but if you’re drafting an email or tweeting out in the wild and you want to seem like you’re in it, see below. How do you spell esports at the start of a sentence Esports How do you spell esports anywhere else? esports Does location matter on how you spell it? Generally in Europe/NA it’s those two. I’ve seen variations in Korea as e-Sports. Chances are it’s sticking to these two for NA/EU more than

How do esports orgs make money? – Part 2 Teams

In part 1 of how do esports orgs make money I discussed how tournament organizers make money in esports. In part 2, I’ll discuss some options and ways that teams make money in esports. This list isn’t exhaustive and is likely to change but there are some parallels between each vertical. I’m not going to include crowd funding, reverse takeovers or raises in this. This will be more traditional. So the way teams make money are: Sponsorships & Advertising Yes, you guessed it. Sponsorships are the lifeblood of most esports organizations and this includes teams as well!. It’s estimated that

How do esports orgs make money? – Tournaments

If you’re an investor or just curious how esports organizations make money, I can give you a bit of introduction on how tournaments, teams and casting agencies work. I won’t go into the number of esports but I’ll talk strictly about how each org makes money. This will be part 1 of a the series “How do esports orgs make money”. In part 1, I will start with tournaments, then talk about teams and then casters / agencies. How do tournament organizers make money in esports? Tournament organizers make money in esports in the following ways: Sponsorships & Advertising Sponsorships