Latest articles about Blockchain Gaming, esports and Agile Project Management.

Pegaxy: Horse Racing NFT Game

As days go by, more and more NFT games are coming out. Today, we look at the ever popular Pegaxy on the Polygon network. Currently, most of these games will require you to have a large upfront cost to play. However, more games are introducing scholarship or revenue share programs which allow more users to play without the upfront capital. In other games like Axie Infinity, they have an established scholarship program which allow you to split proceeds with someone else. In this article, we are going to talk about Pegaxy, a new horse racing NTF game, and its interesting

How to fix no free transactions in ronin wallet

Happy new year everyone! This is going to be a quick article on how to fix no free transactions on your ronin wallet. If you’ve ever received SLP and have tried to send a transaction but you noticed that you have “Free x0” transactions in ronin. You need to do the following! Option 1: Buy ron on Option 2: Confirming your email address! See below if you have this error. Sign into the axie marketplace with your ronin wallet. When you login it’ll ask you for a name, name it whatever you want On the top left it will

Improve your Arena Gameplay: Helpful Axie Infinity Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Axie Infinity isn’t just a card game. It has mechanisc of both turn-based games and strategy games, like chess, your moves need to be precise since mistakes here can often lead to a fatal error. Yes, Axie Infinity can be pay-to-win since more expensive Axies can often win matchups, however, that is not always the case. Even well combined floor axies (near the bottom price), can do well in the arena. With careful observation, you can best top-tier opponents even with a low-tier team. In this article, let’s talk about how can you improve your Arena gameplay and make the