Latest articles about Blockchain Gaming, esports and Agile Project Management.

NFT Games with Play-to-Earn Mechanics

NFT Games is a new trend of games that use blockchain technology which allow players to earn NFTs and cryptocurrencies just by playing the game. Games like DotA 2, Fortnite, and League of Legends showed us that you can make tens of billions of dollars from a free to play game. But if you look at gaming from a player’s perspective, what can be better than a free-to-play game? Well, a game that pays you to play, which is essentially the new model of play-to-earn games.  This is made possible because NFTs allow you to sell game items such as

DeFi and DAO in Gaming

What is DeFi? DeFi stands for Decentralized Finance. It is one of the aspects of the broader crypto space, DeFi offers most of the services of the mainstream financial world such as saving, investing, trading, and more that is controlled by the masses instead of a central entity or institution.  Decentralized Finance is challenging the traditional financial service providers and aims to eventually replace them. DeFi uses open-source codes, giving anyone who has the ability to build on pre-existing applications in a permissionless and composable manner. These codes are open to the public which makes transactions transparent, and anyone who

Ways to manage risk at esports events

Hello esports enthusiasts. We previously covered how much do esports events cost, managing an esports event and types of insurance at an esports event. For today, I’ll be covering Risk Management. Risk management is the process of identifying, assessing and controlling threats to an organization’s potential esports event. This could mean financially, physically or externally. There are numerous ways. Why is risk management in an esports tournament important? Allows you to save money, time and reputation if there is a possible plan in place for risk Is all risk negative? Context of risk is important! Identification of risk at esports