Agile features

What is a feature in agile software delivery?

Back again with another software delivery article! Today we’re going to talk about what a feature and feature flag is in agile software delivery. They’re two distinct things but are related especially if you want to experiment often. We’ll talk about some pros and cons + a few other topics. Regardless of process, time to market, customer feedback and being “nimble” rather than following strict process that slows everything down is an important mantra in my mind.So let’s get to it! What is a feature in agile software delivery? A “feature” refers to a distinct element of functionality that can


Cycle time definition in software delivery

Back with a quick article today. I’m here to discuss the cycle time definition from a software delivery standpoint. Not to be confused with the lean approach from automotive industry. However, I will talk about it from a software delivery standpoint. For a really in depth guide and how to roll this out organizationally potentially, check out DORA metrics which can go hand in hand with a potential agile solution for your enterprise. It’s important to not get lost into frameworks and process. Make sure the customer feedback loops are short, high value is being driven and internal team members

Enterprise agile building

What are agile enterprise solutions?

Today i’ll talk about a few agile enterprise solutions and what they might mean for your organization. Firstly, this varies wildly from company to company. My experience is specifically around lean software delivery and dora metrics. I’ll talk about a few available solutions and what might a VP/ CTO at a mid to large company look for and try to avoid in a agile enterprise solution. As with any solution, it’ll really depend on your needs and what you’re looking to accomplish. A startup will need something VERY different than a large enterprise organization with 1000s of team members. Same